Vegetable Ivory

What is it?
Vegetable Ivory is a seed produced naturally by the“PhytelephasMacrocarpa” palm tree which only grows in the tropical rainforest of Colombia and a few South American countries.
Today, Vegetable Ivory has become increasingly important as the only natural, ethical & sustainable alternative to elephant ivory, because the texture and colour are almost identical.
The seed is harvested from the ground and allowed to dry naturally for up to a year until it is hard enough to be used. The harvesters remove the first two husks, leaving only the skin, when is then sold to craftsmen. They peel the skin to expose its white ivory part, which is then cut or carved into different shapes, before being polished and dyed.
Once Vegetable Ivory is dyed in different colours the seed reveals its beautiful natural veins and patterns and no seed is identical, which make each piece even more unique. How amazing!
Dyes of excellent quality are used to achieve longevity of colour, and finally, each piece is perforated according to the designs and assembled into unique jewellery accessories.
Environmental Impact
This special seed not only promotes elephant conservation, but also preserves the rainforest, as trees are not harmed in the transformation process because the seeds grow from regenerative pods from the palm’s trunks and are collected from the ground.
Moreover, the commercialisation of Vegetable Ivory stimulates economies in South America by providing an alternative income for harvesters and artisans.
Vegetable ivory has been used for hundreds of years by the indigenous tribes of South America, who believed the seed represented women because of its great romantic energy, and that each person who wore it would be protected by the love of family and friends.